Survive in this infinite battle of Character Roles. and trasfer your soul into the enemies you've slayed.

In this game you will face Mages, Wariors and Swordsmen and instead of killing them you will take controll over their body untill you leave them dead upon your next succsessfull kill. Level up ind improve your skill by achieving as many kills as possible.


This game operates on a rock-papers-scissors principle. 

Remember this principle to get out of tricky situations


Code: Lf Laguardia & Marcelo Amaral

3D Art: Alex Pushilin

UI Design: Bastian Hagege

2D Art: Notisle

Sound design: Vilgot Andersson (Discord: vilgotino_1238)

Submited to the GMTK gamejam. 


Intrinity.exe 38 MB


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Played in browser, but I always get stuck(character are not moving) after I died.

yeah sbt…

we didn't really had all the spare time we expected for polishing stuff in this gamejam 😓


Reversed roles idea implemented super fun. Amazing art

Thank you NikitaPlombeer!